This bingo card has 160 words: Beat the ender dragon, Go to the nether, Get an elytra, Kill a husk, Craft a bow, Eat a cookie, Tame a wolf, Find a saddle, Trade with a wandering trader, Heal a zombie villager, Craft a beacon, Craft an enchantment table, Take Inventory, Wear full leather armor, Find horse armor, Cook steak, Craft TNT, Get Diamonds, Get achievement return to sender, Wear Full iron armor, Kill the other player, Sleep in a bed for one full night, Jump on a slime block, Kill a witch, Find a witches hut, Ride a pig, Tame a cat, Mate two villagers, Kill a panda, Tame and then kill your dog, Kill an Iron Golem, Make an Iron Golem, Wear a pumpkin, Eat a golden carrot, Craft a golden apple, Find a god apple, Milk a cow, Steal something from a fox, Feed a fox, Smelt something using a lava bucket, Get a netherite axe, Get a wither skeleton skull, Get any mob head, Kill an enderman, Craft bread, Craft a strength potion, Eat a full cake, Kill a baby villager, Kill a baby zombie, Ride a strider through lava, Get boots while fishing, Eat a pufferfish, Eat a spiders eye, Craft an ender chest, Get the dragons egg, Get no hunger bars, Hit the other player into lava, Shoot TNT out of a dispenser, Craft a respawn anchor, Make your dog kill a cat, Get a grey cat and name it Yoda, Get a black and white cat and name it Bruce, Get an all white cat and name it Blizzard or Bliz, Tame a skeleton horse, Kill a creeper without it exploding, Get a music disc by makingg a skeleton kill a creeper, Kill a cave spider, Dye a bed, Dye a leather helmet purple, Open an iron door with a lever, Feed a parrot a cookie, Make a jukebox, Make a parrot dance, Break a monster spawner with your bare hands, Break obsidian with your bare hands, Trade with a piglin, Get ender pearls from a piglin, Kill a zombified hoglin, Get a scute, Make a turtle helmet, Kill a silverfish, Kill an ender mite, Shear a sheep, Take away effects using milk, Eat an apple, Get Honey, Craft a honey block, Kill an elder guardian, Place down a leaf block, Mlg water bucket from a height that could kill you, Use bone meal on a tree sapling until it grows, Turn a lily of the valley into dye, Kill a polar bear, Kill a stray, Get emeralds, Get a trident, Enchant a trident with loyalty, channeling, Riptide, and/or mending, Make a working conduit, Get a beacon to the max level, Built a tower from bedrock to build limit using coal blocks, Go inside a jungle temple, Make the TNT in a desert temple explode, Find the stronghold, Fill out the ender portal, Go to the end, Find hidden treasure, Craft a jungle boat, Make a golden hoe, Plant and grow carrots, Make a cobblestone generator, Craft a diamond block, Get a block of obsidian, Get any ice block, Shoot the other player with an arrow lit on fire, Craft a fire charge, Give the other player a ghast tear, Craft a clock, Sleep in a bed in the nether, Shear the pumpkin off a snow golem, Ride a llama to the nearest naturally generated structure, Make a furnace in a minecart, Craft a trapped chest, Get 4 stacks of dirt, Give the other player three diamonds, Catch a fish using a water bucket, Smelt a diamond ore, Put lava on the other player, Put water on the other person, Use a water and lava bucket to make obsidian, Make a netherite block, Wear full netherite armor, Throw cocoa beans while crouching, Go inside a bastion, Kill a baby piglin, Jump into lava in the nether, Kill or shear a naturally spawned pink sheep, Tame an all black horse, Trap a zombie in a container that protects it from sunlight, Craft a glowstone block, Get 30 levels of experience, Get 15 levels of experience, Get 5 levels of experience, Ride a pig off a cliff, Explode TNT from at least ten blocks away, Get 2 stacks of lapis lazuli, Jump off a 10 block tower without dying, Get a bell, Finish a raid, Place down a pillager banner, Steal items from pillager outpost chest, Kill a ravager, Get a totem of undying, Kill a vindicator with an iron axe, Make an evoker turn a red sheep blue, Kill a vex with a wooden sword, Give full diamond armor to the other player, Get jump boost 2, Wear a yellow dyed leather helmet named crown, Eat 32 steaks and Blow up the other player with an ender crystal.
Minecraft Bingo | Minecraft bingo race | Ridiculous minecraft bingo | Ridiculous minecraft bingo | Ridiculous minecraft bingo
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about 48 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 16 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.