This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Stoneware, Mix and Chop, Prep bowls, Large Classic Batter Bowl, Small Classic Batter bowl, Small Measure-All Cups, Nonstick, Bamboo, Cutting board, Manual Food Processor, Food Chopper, Dishwasher Safe, Pizza Cutter, Nylon, Brownie Pan, Deluxe Mini-Muffin Pan, Pecan Tassies, Cake Tester, Measuring Spoon Set, Double Strength Vanilla, Stainless Whisk, Classic Scrapers, Microwave Safe and Seasoning.
The Pampered Chef Presents: | The Pampered Chef Presents: | PAMPERED CHEF BINGO | PAMPERED CHEF BINGO | PAMPERED CHEF BINGO
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