RAANAP Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 54 words: Rob loves Clubhouse, Complaint about wife, Rob doesn't like food, Complaint about Twitter/Reddit, "I can't remember if I've told this on the podcast before", RAANAPBot is mentioned, "This seems more like a 32 fans idea", Rob and Akiva are boomers, Cameo, Among Us, Seinfeld reference, Sports talk, "The great", Akiva mentions what time it is for him, Previous episode got good feedback, Season 3 Episode 7/Crappy Movie Episode, The show's catchphrase is not used, "this [idea] doesn't seem like a great podcast", Technical difficulty, Akiva can't tie his shoes, Episode is 2h or longer, Joke wheel idea suggested, An argument is not resolved, Rob roasts the listeners, Ali Lasher is mentioned, Akiva tries to move on before something is resolved, Tik Tok is mentioned, Rob and Akiva talk over each other, Nothing new added to the wheel, Something is removed from wheel/fishbowl, Reference to a pre-episode 100 episode, Royal Rumble mentioned, Would a gen-z know about this?, Twitter Poll required, Game show episode, Bracket Szn, Constitution is referenced, Wheel idea is "too much work", Background noise, "Pushing 50", Someone gets a new nickname, Akiva says "that's funny" instead of laughing, Chester is insulted, 100th episode mentioned, Seinfeld podcast is mentioned, RAANAP Bingo is mentioned, "Hot take", "We're gonna have a short mailbag" & mailbag is normal length, Complaint about kids, Laffy Taffy Joke, Shrek Up Tim, Guest has no wheel ideas, NGOG mentioned and SEEDS BABY!.

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