Get to Know You

Get to Know You Bingo Card

This bingo card has 124 words: הדגמת תרגיל לכולם, תרגיל חופשי, זמן, משחק עם תרגיל, תרגיל לחבר, מתיחות, ידיים, רגליים, הליכה, כלום, עמידה, ישיבה, דשא, מתקני פארק, אבן, רצפה, Has a younger sibling, Has never been on an airplane, Favorite food is Italian, Birthday is in January, Is an only child, Doesn’t drink coffee, Is wearing an OU t-shirt, Attended Grizz Fest, Lives in the dorm, Speaks multiple languages, Has been to Europe, Was born in another country, Is left handed, Traveled from out-of-state today, Played a sport in college, Has been on TV, Birthday is in September, Is an only child, Has served in the military, Has never been on an airplane, Is wearing a Duke Energy shirt, Favorite sport is football, Knows sign language, Has never been married, Is Prosci certified, Been with the company 25+ years, Owns a horse, Has had a broken a bone, Knows what ADKAR stands for, Owns a vacation home, Has ran a marathon, Has a twin, Birthday is in June, Doesn’t go by their first name, Has more than one pet, Runs their own business, Is a published author, Favorite season is Autumn, Has a son, Has a daughter, Has multiple degrees, Has blue eyes, Is wearing a red shirt, Is wearing animal print, Member of a gym, Is CPR certified, Has been to Canada, Has been to Disney World and Disneyland, Is wearing a watch, Is over 6 foot tall, Has a mustache, Can hula hoop, Sings karaoke, Has been on a cruise, Wears glasses/contacts, Can impersonate an animal, Favorite candy is Twix, Can blow a bubble, Can whistle, Can do a cartwheel, Grew up on a farm, Likes to hunt/fish, Owns a boat, Owns season tickets to football, Has a desktop at home, Has an iPhone, Has a Droid, Enjoys reading, Has/had a family member at the company, Rides the bus/train to work, Has a nephew, Is fluent in military time, Drives a truck, Drives a convertible, Doesn’t drink coffee, Knows what CFL stands for…, Knows what a dip pole is…, Can name two nuclear stations…, Knows what JIC stands for…, Can name the Chief Legal Officer, Can remember when we didn’t have debit cards, Can solve a Rubix Cube, Has been bungee jumping, Has met a celebrity, Can ice skate, Can say ABCs backwards, Can cross their eyes, Knows the Greek alphabet, Can curl their tongue, Is double jointed, Understands the rules of soccer, Has seen a ghost, Has been to a haunted house, Owns a Swiss Army knife, Knows Spiderman’s real name, Owns a record (LP/album), Has been to Italy, Has been to Hawaii, Has been to South America, Has been to China, Keeps a diary or journal, Plays golf, Can play a musical instrument, Can name the planets in order, Can name the colors of the rainbow in order, Can play chess, Can roll their Rs and Can change a tire.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Has never been on an airplane (2), Is an only child (2), Doesn’t drink coffee (2)

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