Falcon and the Winter Soldier season Premiere

Falcon and the Winter Soldier season Premiere Bingo Card

This bingo card has 29 words: "On your left", Bucky: "(Give it up for) Captain America!", Bucky tells Yori about his son, shield combo move, "I can do this all day", Steve Rogers shows up BONUS if he's alive, Someone goes Marvel undercover, Sam fights big scary French guy, Karli Moregnthau dies, Sam introduces himself as Sam Wilson (not Captain America), Sharon is Power Broker, Joaquin Torres will become Falcon, Bucky on a motorcycle, Someone is a Skrull BONUS if it's Sharon, Zola shows up and messes Bucky up, Zemo plotting on the raft BONUS if Thunderbolts are mentioned, If Bukcy dies it's because he saved Sam, John Walker's shitty shield gets destroyed, Winter Soldier flashback, "Captain America will return in..." BONUS if it's "Captain America and the White Wolf", Sam and/or Bucky refer to themselves as partners, Arnim Zola is Power Broker, Sharon working for Nick Fury, Bucky on the run again, Sharon gets pardoned, 'I'm with you till the end of the line", Sam and Bucky defeat John Walker, Sam goes back to working as a counselor and The therapist is evil.

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