
SandeBingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Surprise visit from Loonz, Wheel betrays Sande, Explains Joffery, “freakin’ legend”, Test, Don pops in before work, Mod abuse, Someone compliments her mug, Tunes instrument, Dab dab dab dab, Jump scare mid song, Vegemite spoon, 30 minute breakfast eating on stream, “I’m not a ranga”, “can you play”, Keeping you tabbed, Roscoe nickname, Star Wars Sande (Darth or sabre ‘spin’), Hot mic on BRB screen, Tangent about the USA, Crow’s song gets bumped, Someone bashes coldplay, Kazoo time, Fails a buzzfeed quiz, Chair stream, Raid freaks Sande out, A mod drops the hammer, Someone suggests a vocal warmup, Get back on track, Roo onsie, 3 loz’s in chat (Sande, LTS, Lozbroz), Confusing aussie slang, Sande comments about how pale she is and A mod makes a dirty joke.

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