Happy Birthday Prithvi!

Happy Birthday Prithvi! Bingo Card

This bingo card has 32 words: lost a board game to prithvi, been to happy hour at earls with, gotten thai takeout with, been to california with, got a gift from him when he was out of town, work at the same company as him, been to his last two birthday celebrations, won a board game against prithvi, gotten high with, gone on a hike with, had him ask you where his gift was, been to a bollywood night with, had a sleepover with him, had a jam session with, had him help you move, sang backstreet boys with him, made an instagram video with, flown with prithvi, taken a road trip with prithvi, he convinced you to join for some event, planned someone's birthday with, went to a shooting range with him, been in the passenger seat while he drives in sports mode, had food made for you by prithvi, gone kayaking with, been surfing with, done a shot with, played mafia with him, he convinced you to move to the same building, gone clothes shopping with, been at CMU with him and worked out with him.

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