This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Mention of Florida, Gillian Burkett!, Shout out for working way past work hours, Bob's kids interrupting, “what are you drinking?", “App rigor”, “I’ve said this before", “really proud of this team", “more pipe coverage for may than June", "everyone on the team deserves this award", Bob mentioning a L2 request he got for a small deal, "scrappy", Mention of how many ppl joined the org recently, An inside joke between bob and a GRB rep, "where are you right now?", “I remember X AE telling me at the beginning of the month that they had no pipe”, Katia calling someone a star, “Idk if anyone has seen this movie”, "probably dating myself here", “Look, back when I was an AE”, "I'm not surprised X is on this slide", "Visibility into the business", Call downs are going to be put on the calendar and Passive aggressive mention of a quote still being out for signature.
BFN Fantasy Bingo | Work Planning Bingo | Work Planning Bingo | Work Planning Bingo | Ryzzy Blitz Bingo
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