Elon Musk SNL Bingo

Elon Musk SNL Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: haha weed joke, "Muskerday Night Live", Dogecoin mentioned, Big Chungus mentioned, he says pog, talks about being rich, mentions Grimes, baby name jokes, "epic" is said, outdated memes, tasteless COVID jokes, spaceX, smth about joe rogan, undercover boss sketch stolen from adam driver, pronoun joke, baby shark, smth about the "woke mafia", cancel culture sketch, weird nerds defend it but "still hate SNL tho", somehow speaks in impact font, "memelord" or "meme king" is said, making fun of miley, probably a Wrecking Ball joke, NFTs involved somehow and tesla sketch that's just a commercial.

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