FD BINGO! Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 36 words: Livestream chat is full of Adam LZ fanboys, Mazda doesn't work or blows up, Someone drives wildly off course, Kearny spins out (or car blows up), Jarod makes up a word, Jarod makes an odd reference, Larry Chen Spotting!, Jarod makes the crowd do the wave, JTP or Chelsea get mad, Vaughn Gittin yells WOOOO!, Someone does a push-up, An unscrupulous brakecheck happens, Mustang VS Mustang in the finals, Someone has to do an engine rebuild on their competition time-out, Someone calls a competition time-out for a dumb reason, A Driver's child or pet makes an appearance, Lorette's mask falls down, Someone leaves the track on a flatdeck, Someone hits the wall, Someone's car combusts, An announcer makes the "IS THAT A SUPRAAA?" comment, Crowd looks unenthused, Someone looks annoyed while being interviewed, Someone is holding their Branded Beverage of Choice® while in an interview, Random shot of umbrella girls that goes on too long, Celebrity spotting, Matt is cocky, Vape spouts spotted in the stands, Someone grabs the mic from Lorette, Judges do a shocking ONE MORE TIME, Sudden rainstorm!!!, Someone drifts with the corner marker stuck to their car, Shot of a fan with a piece of a car that fell off, Someone damages their car, but compeltes the run, Off-key anthem singing and A rookie defeats a veteran.

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