NCMA/NMA Networking Social Bingo

NCMA/NMA Networking Social Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Has & uses Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Joined NCMA or NMA in 2014, Been with same company for 20+ years, Has presented to crowd over 50 people, Worked overseas, Has never lived outside of Texas, Supports Engineering Directorate, Has a graduate degree, NCMA or NMA member for 5 years, Dream job is to own their own business, NMA Member, Attended the EFT Lunch, Has been to Hawaii, NCMA Member, Studied out of state, Has attended more than 3 networking events last year, Has seen a shuttle launch, Studied in business or economics, Is a contractor, Has owned their business, Is a civil servant, Member of both NCMA and NMA, Has seen a soyuz launch and Has over 100 LinkedIN Connections.

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