This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Trailer Diamante y Perla, Nueva IP, Nuevo Spin-off Mario, Juego Licenciado, Trailer Legends of Arceus, NEW Nintendo Switch, Juego de la 64, Crash para Smash, Trailer de SMTV, Nuevo port $60, Trailer Silksong, Rillaboom para Smash, Trailer Breath of the wild 2, Fire Emblem, Trailer Splatoon 3, Trailer Metroid Prime 4, Star Fox, Mother 3, Bayonetta 3, F-Zero, Zelda 99, Persona 5 Royal, Genshin Impact Switch and Aparición Doug Bowser.
Nintendo Direct | E3 Nintendo | E3 2021 CERS | E3 Bingo | Nintendo Direct Bingo by Thebestsilver7
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