This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Flight Announcement, Spartan Customization First Look, Halo TV Trailer, Release Date, new gametype, Campaign gameplay re-reveal, Weapon customization, BTB 2.0, Forge Reveal, look at mp menu, drop xbox one support, New vehicle/look at vehicle destruction, Firefight confirmation, audio deep dive, Joe Staten appearing on stage, BR gameplay, Series X LE/ Controller announcement, Retail Price and package contents, new equipment or weapon revealed, RvB team colors removed, craig apperance, Game limited edition announcement, new mp medal and interactable environments in mp.
Halo E3 Bingo Card | Halo infinite reveal! | My E3 Bingo Card | XBOX + BETHESDA E3 | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Direct 6/01
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