This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: s----sh--, E---h,M--n and s---s, An alien w-- wear a sp--- s---, you w-- see planets th---- the telescope, Au------t w--'t find the space st-----, f--d o--, sl----- bag, outside, h-l--t, ex----se, l--ch--me, b-dt-me, she w-- do the d-sh--, he w--'t ---y his room, Please, cl--- y--- shoes and w--- y--r clothes, I w--'t c--- the food, Will you w--- the dog?, am----- and pe-----t, I d---t the world w-- be di----- in the f-t-re, I h-t- to em--- the b--, make friends with a conquer, to leave(l---) and come (c---) back, m--- a w--- un--- the shooting s--- and go sailing.
Alphabet Bingo (Upper/Lowercase) | Sound Bingo | Phonics | 拼音 Bingo! | RWI Set 1 Sounds
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