This bingo card has 21 words: BryNu speaks French, BryNu speaks Mickey Mouse, didi mocks bob's common sayings (eg. am i wrong?!?), dragon plays dbd, didi dies/does something stupid in game x3, bob screams randomly, bob says am i wrong x3, bob plays soundpad, reece is playing osu!, bob says too bad x4, dragon plays tekken, BryNu plays any TR game x3, reece talks about his hot milfs, kai says a censored/ reduced version of a swear word (eg. frick) x2, kai plays rise, Someone gets a PB/ WR on any game, At least 3 people play CS:GO, Reece/bob talk about something British x3, didi gets ignored x2, Someone says something quite offensive x3 and kai plays rise.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: kai plays rise (2)
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