August 2021 DBFZ Patch

August 2021 DBFZ Patch Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Ghost oki nerfs, Another new defensive mechanic, Existing defensive mechanic is buffed, Existing offensive mechanic is nerfed, 21 lvl3 oki nerfed, 2+ 21 nerfs, 2+ gotenks nerfs, Piccolo buffs, Nerfs an assist, Snap buffs, S2 snap is back, GT buffs, Goku black buffs, Zamasu buffs, Mid/ low tier nerf, Every character has a change (not bug fix), Sbroly doesn’t get frame data buff, SSJ goku gets his S2 2M, Buffs unused/bad assists, Notes that change nothing about a character (not bug fixes), Bug fix no one knew about, Changes to make more good anchors, Rollback in the works and C assist changes.

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