Critical Race Theory Bingo 2021

Critical Race Theory Bingo 2021 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 42 words: MLK quoted out of context, Woke, Time to Homeschool, I'm a fraction Native American, Reverse Racism, We're passed this, we had a black president, My best friend (spouse, co-worker, etc) is Black, White Guilt, Snowflake, Leftist Ideology, Transgender Bathrooms, Indoctrination, Erasing History, Social-emotional learning is code for CRT, Racism should be taught at home, I worked hard and earned my way, 1619 Project, Oppression Olympics, There is only one race: Human, Leaves out AAPI, Link (or quote) from FOX news, BLM is a terrorist organization, Lincoln freed the slaves in 1865, Not my tax dollars, I'm Colorblind / don't see color, Makes white kids apologize for being white, P.C. Police, Radical Activists, We need to put God back in school, Global Elitism, CRT teaches kids to be racist, Patriot(ic), Just because I'm white..., Slave owners were Democrats, Social Justice, Cameras in the classroom, Cancel Culture, Liberal Agenda, Teaches children to hate America, White Privilege, The Irish were slaves too and Divisive.

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