Cameron Bingo

Cameron Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Comes to work late, Forgets his mask, Forgets his hat, Spends 10 minutes putting on a chef coat, Complains about James, Creepy laugh, Wastes the Apex Presoak for literally no reason, Drops a dish and breaks it, Austin has to get him to do the silverware, Complains about servers, Austin has to get him to do the ramekins, Doesn't use a steel wool to scrub, Uses the bathroom 7 times a shift, Leaves 3 glass racks sitting on the shelf instead of running them through the machine, Goes to back line to talk to Chris instead of working, Eats food when he's not supposed to, *South Park reference*, Angelica tells him to hurry up, Mumbles, Gets really angry for no reason, Says he wants to die, Flirts with Austin, Listens to music when he's not supposed to and Forgot his meds.

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