This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Frozen Strawberry Lemonade, Pineapple Habanero Margarita, Add 1/2 Chicken to family, Sweet Red Bottle Sauce, Swine Wine, Frozen Swiggy Punch, Rita, Chicken Sand, Jalapeno Bottle of Sauce, Cocktail Pitcher, Frozen Swiggy punch add rum, Sweet Tea Mojito, Add ice cream to dessert, Frickles, App Special, Add Pimp, HogADawg, beer Flight, Sausage n Cheddar, Frozen Strawberry Lemonade + alcohol, Add Full Rack to family, KBB + Shot, Rum Punch and Pork Rinds with Tab Honey.
Chick-fil-A | Chick-fil-A | Boathouse | Beverage Bingo | Ruby Tuesday Bingo!
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