Coach Waters' Kindness Bingo

Coach Waters' Kindness Bingo Card

This bingo card has 52 words: Free!, Sit with someone sitting solo at lunch, Play a game with your family, Tell someone what makes them great, Say hi to all of your teachers during the day, Thank an adult in the building for something they do, Help your family clean the kitchen after dinner, Pick up trash and throw it away, Write a thank you note to a family member, Do your homework without being reminded, Help carry in and put away groceries, Ask a stranger if they need help, Hold the door open for someone, Give someone a high-five, Smile and say hello to someone you don't know, Sit by someone new at lunch, Cook dinner/make a snack for someone, Work in a group with someone you don't know, Clean the teacher's classroom, Give someone a fist bump, Help your family with yard work, Wipe down the desks in a teacher's classroom, Help clean the cafeteria, Wash your parents' car, Make a card for your favorite teacher, Do a chore for a sibling, Help a neighbor with yard work, Take out the trash, Unload the dishwasher, Write a thank you note to someone who works at school, Hug someone in your family, Ask a parent how his/her day was, Play a game with your sibling, Bring a treat for a teacher, Tell a teacher what you like about him/her, Say thank you to someone who has helped you, Watch a movie with your family, Clean your room, Give a pet a bath, Read a story to a younger child, Write a thank you note, Introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met before, Go an entire class period without interrupting anyone, Start a sincere conversation with an adult, Return a shopping cart into a store, Take a dog for a walk, Mail a card to someone in the military, Tell a principal how great your teacher is, Tell three people that you are proud of them and why., Draw a flattering picture for someone., Prepare breakfast for your family. and Make and send a card to kids in hospital.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.