Paris Happy Workers 4-H

Paris Happy Workers 4-H Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 30 words: Join a 4-H project you have never done before, Weed the community garden, Organize a Community Service, Show us a demo of one of your projects, Attend a Happy Worker Activity (like bowling), Community Garden Planting Day, Organize a fun event for the club, Attend the annual picnic, Participate in other community service, Community Garden Clean Up Day, Be on a planning committee, Create a project we can do at a meeting, Organize a Happy Worker Activity, Participate in the Pinewood Derby, Participate in a 4H event, Get caught promoting 4-H, Building supervisor and/or Pop and Pizza Stand, Bring snacks or drinks, Contribute to the Pie Basket Donation, Join the Tshirt Design contest, Attend the monthly meeting, Create a project/decoration for the garden, Create a project for the Cloverbuds, Run for office, or help someone in office, Be Creative, Advertise 4-H, Weed Community Garden, Participate in other community service, Participate in 4H event (Happy Workers or County Wide), Get caught promoting 4-H and Weed Community Garden.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Participate in other community service (2), Get caught promoting 4-H (2), Weed Community Garden (2)

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