This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: "You've gone too far!", Strip Club, "He's the Best!", Scene with Zero Relevance, Much Younger Love Interest, Produce Cameo, Traumatic Backstory, Bad Accent Work, Filmed in Eastern Europe, Inverse Ninja Theory, Mid-Scene Gun Swap, Day/Night Switch, Finding a MacGuffin, Bad Science, Sexism, Bruce Winning Review, A Betrayal, Jump Away From Explosion, Actor Who Shouldn't Be Here, Looks Like it was Made in the 80s, Clearly a Stunt Double, Stock Footage, Infinite Ammo and Plot Hole the Size of Texas.
IHSSA SHORT FILM BINGO | Star Wars Holiday Special Bingo | Love Strikes Back BINGO | Bad Movie Night Bingo | Bad Movie Night Bingo
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