This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Unresponsive Device, Ring Order Status, Chime Pro Set Up, Call Under 10 min, Emial started with an R, NX has called in at least 2x before, MAC ID starts with 3 or F, Nx name is John, Call was Transferred, Nx was not home, Signed up for RPP, Cosmetic Damage to device, Device was stolen, Neighbor had a dog(mentioned or heard), Brattery Drainage, Mutliply locataions on account, Has more than 1 shared user, Dashboard shows a devices Tag, Sent to Trending, Contractor Call, Only had Battery Devices (2 or more), Black Video, Poor Audio and Neighbor has kids (mentioned or heard).
CS WEEK RINGO | Making Neighborhoods Safer | Glendowie Whanaugatanga | Networking Bingo | March Bingo
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