Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile

Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: ISIS, Attack, -30, AGM-158B, Electronic Attack, CENTCOM, INDOPACOM, Russia, China, GPS, 1,000lbs, Penetrator, TACP, 75NM, USAF, US Navy, SMAC, Syria, 20, Iraq, Iran, Long Range, F-16, F/A-18, BLU-109, Stealthy, RCS, Compound, Sub-Sonic, BIA, B-52, B-1, JFIRE and Planning.

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Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile | Call Number Bingo | Frat Bingo | Interval Bingo | CALL NUMBER BINGO

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