This bingo card has 16 words: No right to live in a city you can't afford, Not my problem, Blame people worse than me, Jobless lazy deadbeats, They're only meth heads, Dirty, thieving, sewage-spewing assholes, Anywhere but near me, I could be inconvenienced!, Mooching off taxpayers, Giving up your vehicle to live in a homeless shelter for my benefit is reasonable, But Palo Alto gets away with it, Dumping sewage is apparently not currently illegal, It is better for ten innocent men to be punished than for one guilty man to go free, Living it up, rent-free, *incomprehensible whining* and MuH PrOpErTy VaLuEs.
RVpocalypse Bingo | Conservative RVpocalypse Bingo | Conservative RVpocalypse Bingo | RVpocalypse Bingo | Conervative RVpocalypse Prepper Bingo
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