This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: 有人漏 m, Manz俾人串錯個名, Jo俾人串錯個名, Florence 又因為宿醉第二朝返唔到公司,要wfh, Ko 又講錯廣東話, 我哋終於去Vivian 屋企 Housewarming, Jo 終於買到樓, Jessie焗出10個包, 我哋再次食到Vivian 煮既牛尾, Manz煮出三餸兩白飯住家飯, Manz忍笑5秒, Florence 同 Jessie 講10+鐘頭電話, 有人撞到一個起碼三年冇見嘅TL girl, Manz又轉工, 有人升職, 有人去Simple Thai 食唔到蟶子, 有人唔小心帶咗奇怪嘢出街, 有人唔記得帶手提電話出街, 有人中lottery / lucky draw, 有人嘅message獲得四個emoji response, 有人買咗樣貴過二萬蚊嘅嘢(買樓唔計), 有人遇到一件好好笑嘅悲劇, Jessie終於織完張被 and Girls齊人 zoom meet.
2023 九州 Trip | Sport climbing Bingo | 低Form Bingo | 樹林 MMA | 🪨
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.