This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Theory X, Tannenbaum and Schmidt, Accreditation, Plan, Bureaucratic Pyramid, Break-even point, Herzberg guidelines, 80/20 rule, CLIA 1988, Organize, Control, Managerial grid, Direct costs, CPT codes, Carl Jung, Esteem/ Ego, Full time equivalent, Organizing, Certification, Direct, Quality Assurance, CAP Workload recording, HIPPA, Autocratic, Joseph Juran, Fixed costs, Certification, Scheduling, Self-actualization, Theory Y, Productivity, Indirect costs, Time Management and Motivation.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Certification (2)
Business Keywords | Costs Accounting | Ch 5: Establishig Evaluation Criteria | Business Studies Bingo! | Fiscal Bingo
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