This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Everyone dies, zenos is eaten by zodiark, Fandaniel betrayal, Hydaelyn lied, Emet still "lives", Scions disband, Garlemald reconstruction project, island sanctuary becomes instance housing, Lahabrea trolled us with a body double fake, A Scion dies, Alphinaud creates a new org, Allisae does something reckless, WoL was a primal the whole time, Sharlayan knew the star's history the whole time, great wyrms reunite, moon was the old world, A "new" omega weapon, Zodiark did nothing wrong, remaining ascian give up after end of zodiark/hydaelyn and live semi normal lives, cid builds us a space ship, Amarout was apart of an "experiment", Allag had plans for final days, minfilia returns and next expansion leads to "new world".
ENDWALKER | Tinfoil Hat Endwalker Bingo | Tin EW Bingo | E n d w a l k e r | Jay-Endwalker 6.0
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