This bingo card has a free space and 58 words: Sweaty Wraith, Octane That Runs Off, Revenant That Leaves Mid Game, "res me", "they're one shot", Lifeline that doesn't drone, Drone obsessed crypto, Knuckle Clustering Fuse, Sweaty Valk, "run up and get done up", Waste of death protection, Bald Wraith, Loba that doesn't black market, Always first down, Loot Hog Ash, Leaves when team is downed, Loot hog banaglore, Too much smoke bangalore, Useless ping, Banner Good Player Bad, Smurfer, Child on mic, Coughs or Sneezes into mic, Cowboy Mirage, Clown Caustic, Voidwalker Wraith, Trash Team, Good Jumper, Good team, Bossy but bad, Leaves after they get downed, Afk, Music On Mic, The mic ruffler, Legend stealer, Wattson But Good, Bad time to use Shiela, The heat shield fighter, That weird ice skin pathy has, Prowler or Spider Hunter, Leaves on Jump, No teamate, Code Net, Vault Key Hog, Care Package Hog, Pings Level 1 Backpack mid Game, White Evo Whole Game, 0 Damage, Sweaty Seer, Cursing into Mic, Rage Quitter, Kill Stealer, Useless Enemy Ping, Uhm... The rings the other way, Bocek User, Wingman User, Loot Hog and Noob.
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