Personality and Social Media

Personality and Social Media Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Someone who has their work history in their bio/has posted about work, Someone with 8+ social media apps, Someone who checks their phone first thing in the morning, Someone who posts to their Story (Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) at leas once a day, Someone who check their notifications soon after they receive it (within 3 min.), Someone who is on social media while having a meal, Someone who frequently posts when they're on vacation, Someone who has 3+ games on their phone, Someone who's Snap score is above 200,000, Someone who's social media is set on private, Someone who posts to social media 3+ times a week, Someone who puts their phone on "Do Not Disturb", Someone who has posted/shared motivational posts, Someone who's screen time is between 1-5 hours, Someone who has scrolled through TikTok before bed, Someone who shared their Spotify Year in Review, Someone who doesn't post while on vacation, Someone who has a premium music streaming service, Someone who takes a photo of their food before they eat it, Someone who's social media is set on public, Someone who's Snap score is lower than 100,000 (or doesn't have Snapchat), Someone who currently has a post about food on their social media, Someone with 7 or less social media apps and Someone who is friends with acquaintances on Facebook.

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