This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: GAY, Ben looking at me during health, Disappointed glance, Waving, Gaby shivering at every cold breeze, Cantarrr~, Mask taken off to "be heard better", Phone, Jayden doing some sort of sexual dance/gesture, James head nod, It's less than 34 degrees, Boris, Davi!!!, Starla and Leo. That's it., "My mask broke can I go to the office", Jessica being a sore loser at checkers, Loooong story that you really don't need to know, A LOT of incorrect mask wearing, "Eyes up", Geese, Jazz, Allyson being moral support, Some sort of upset groan and Benny having dogshit opinions.
School Stuff 3, the finale maybe | School Stuff | School Stuff | BONGO | Downton Abbey
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