Jimmy Carter's Presidency bingo

Jimmy Carter's Presidency bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Why did the boycott of the 1980's Olympics happen?, What was SALT II?, What state was Jimmy Carter the Senator of?, How many hostages were in the Iranian Hostage Crisis?, What was "Desert One"?, What was the purpose of the Anti-Inflation Program?, What Political Party was Jimmy Carter?, Why did the Soviets invade Afghanistan in 1978?, What did Proclamation 4483 do?, When did Jimmy Carter sign SALT II, What is the Carter Center and what did it promote?, How long was the Iranian Hostage Crisis?, What percent of the popular vote did Jimmy Carter get?, What does SALT stand for?, Why did SALT II happen?, Who was Jimmy Carter's Running Mate?, What was the Malaise Speech About?, Who was running against Jimmy Carter?, What is the Emergency Natural Gas Act?, Why did Carter Invoke the Taft-Hartley Act?, What state was Jimmy Carter the Governor of?, What was the Mediation at Camp David?, Why did the senate reject SALT II? and What is the "Carter Doctrine"?.

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