A Christmas Vacation

A Christmas Vacation Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Unsolicited Chex mix, Grammy tries to give away religious literature, Fox News, "the cathedral's water damage", Uncle Robbie wears a MAGA hat inside, Someone is shamed for eating before grace, Uncle Juice and Leah stay less than 3 hrs, Unsolicited mass schedules, a sketchy "news story" from an email chain, Someone brings up Cardinal Burke, Daddy has to explain the tv again, Grammy brings up a biblical tv show, Spinach dip, BC's religious merit is questioned, DziaDzio's i Pad volume is TOO LOWD, People talk about going on a walk, and then nobody goes on a walk, Our Lady of Guadalupe/ "The Shrine", Uncle Greg pushes GramDzio's political buttons, "they turned the limestone the wrong way", Dinner 2 hours later than announced, Brennan is asked about college plans, GramDzio gossip about the neighbors' very personal problems, A Grambush occurs and Marla shows up with no context.

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