MInecraft bingo

MInecraft bingo Card

This bingo card has 43 words: Get wood without looting a chest or chopping a tree down, Make a full set of wood tools, Make a full set of stone tools, Make a full set of iron tools, Make a full set of gold tools, Make a full set of netherite tools, Make a full set of diamond tools, Blow up an entire house in a village, Enslave every mob in the game, Commit a war crime, Throw a stack of diamonds in lava, Die with at least 50 levels on you, Travel 10000 blocks form spawn, Find 2 woodland mansions, Complete a 5-block jump, Brew every potion in the game, Enchant a sword with Smite V or Bane 5, Enchant a set of armor with Blast/fire/proj. IV, Beat the dragon with just end crystals, Beat the dragon with an elytra, Beat the dragon 12 times, so that the full ring is achieved, Make a water elevator from bedrock to sky limit, once per direction, Go 100km/h, Kill anything with what it drops, Get a netherite hoe down to one durability, Have one of each plant in the game, Die with 420 gold, Die by having a TNT be activated by a creeper, Defeat the wither on a beacon, Beat the wither and dragon at the same time, Beat the dragon with just a wooden sword, Dig a 1-chunk checkerboard-pattern, Die to the dragon with 1hp left, Listen to a cave sound at moody brightness, Put multishot on a crossbow, Put mending on a bow, Throw a stack of emeralds at a villager, Make a stack of emeralds off villagers, Make a 2x2 chunk wheat farm, Jump into the void with netherite everything, Make the wither kill another wither, Raid a ocean monument and replace the gold with diamonds and Raid a desert temple without breaking anything.

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Call List


With players vying for a you'll have to call about 14 items before someone wins. There's a 1% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 7 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.