This bingo card has a free space and 39 words: Quaglet gets Skyblock players to do something stupid, Video is a troll, Text-to-speech voice, Thumbnail does not contain red Minecraft font, Money making method, Quaglet reaches 25k subs, Video over 80 seconds, Multiple question marks in title, At least two words capitalised in title, POV:, Video contains a Quaglet alt account, Video under 40 seconds, Quaglet fakes deleting a valuable item again, Video is about a glitched block or item, Quaglet makes a community post, Video contains someone other than Quaglet or an alt, Video not made by Quaglet, Video title contains "be like", Dupe glitch (real), Quaglet expands the keyword spaghetti again, Thumbnail contains something with a white outline, Quaglet does not upload for 2 days in a row, Video topic related to a meme or popular topic within memes, The new best [thing], Video exceeds 20k views (must be posted after "POV: You're a DUPER!"), Video is about admins messing up, Quaglet is involved in drama, Someone tries to involve Quaglet in drama and fails, Video is about rule breakers, The word "gaming" appears in the video, The word "moment" appears in the video, The word "bruh" appears in the video, but not next to "moment", You are subscribed to Quaglet, The phrase "subscribe or else" appears in the video, Quaglet spends a large sum of coins on a joke, Meme-related music in video, Video contains a reference to a previous video, Video title does not contain the phrase "(Hypixel Skyblock)" and Thumbnail contains the colour green.
CubeNaz Ultimate Bingo | Yt recommendation Section | Hypixel Skyblock Forums Bingo! | My Brother’s YouTube Recommended Video Bingo (GONE WRONG) | Youtube Bingo
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