This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: NASA announces aliens are real, "Web3" becomes the new hotness in tech world, Domestic terror attacks, USA Healthcare industry finally breaks, Trump endorses another candidate besides himself for 2024, Universal Basic Income achieved, Someone invents "true AI" and people argue about it, "The Great Migration", Hospitals start deprioritizing the unvaccinated, Worst year for school shootings in USA history, China invades Taiwan, "Ghislaine Maxwell didn't kill herself", Two or more new COVID strains after Omicron, Kelloggs protestors start mysteriously disappearing, Murder Hornets 2: No More Bees Edition, NFT movement gets hijacked by bigots/4chan, Queen Elizabeth dies, Famine Scare, Retail and Restaurant industries start collapsing, Roe vs Wade gets overturned, Something happened to bread idk, Norway wins the Olympics, Mental Health Crisis and Landlords start going bankrupt.
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