This bingo card has 25 words: 100 gifted, 10-13a, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, HUT charge, Pond gets shot, LadyHope mentions mango monster, We use a cadet as a meat shield, 10-50 ghost local, Vault, Mama Mia, Stun locked HardCastle, Marcel makes a move, Hacker in Red Dead, Kait gets unmodded, Someone new gets added to the list, Mauled by a wolf in Red Dead, Someone gets hog tied in RDR, Red Dead crashes, Pond gushes over Marcel, C4'd/Car Bomb, Lady makes a new outfit for Pond, Sniped, Someone gets kneecapped by a mod, Pond yells at Ruger, Baas tells Pond to do onboarding and Pond gets kidnapped.
Sillies Bingo | cnl 2024 bingo | Dyoti's Bango Bongo Bingo | Jenna's Yearly Bingo | Undrgrnd 2023
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