Conservative Bingo

Conservative Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: "Real women vote for trump!", Trump = God comparison, Pick me gays, Uses Alpha and Beta male unironically, Owns a NFT, "Miss me yet?" sticker at gas pump, "I just don't want it shoved down my throat", "*Insert fictional character* is straight", Trump memorabilia somewhere in bedroom, "BLM burned cities!", Has taken Ivermectin, "That was Antifa", Adult content is bad because children exist, Twitter is a leftist hellhole *Never logs off twitter*, Oppressed because face mask, "Trump won actually", "All you watch is CNN", "Didn't you take middle school biology?", *Is a pedophile*, "Thanks Biden", New Conservative rap song hits #1 on iTunes, Calls people snowflakes, Blue lives matter or the Joker as pfp and "That isn't about race! Why are you making it about race!?".

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