This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: "I'm streaming right now", Talks about vape juice, Switch the flow, Slurs his words, Glock, Diet Coke/Double quarter pounder, Talks about shooting someone, Talks about ex, Dua1Sh0ck, dual tech, Tekken Electric, "AY Big EzZy", This my best hard song, Smith and Westin, I made a new AMV, This feature go hard, Dirty Dan, Talks about CoD, "___wants to join WRN", Talks about lifting, DualSh0ck leader elected, My mic gold plated, Send me that beat, "___when am i gonna get another feat", This a new "Dua1 melodic", Rugby, Makes song that is a rip off of an existing song, Does a Ski Mask "feature"/remix, This was a song writing speed run and Makes a freestyle song.
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