This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Russia Invades Ukraine, New Weaponized Gas, Canada Joins War, NATO Adds Ukraine, USA Sends Nuke, Political Ploy For Democrats, Gas Hits $6, Russia Doesn't Invade, Ukraine Dies, WWIII lol, NATO Vs Russia, NATO Revokes Ukraine Invitation, Putin Resigns, Russia Drops Nuke, War Protest @ White House, Ukraine Lives, Covid Prevents War, Biological Warfare, Canada Goes To War, Terrorist Attack In U.S., Russia Attacks USA, China Invades Aids Russia, China Attacks Vietnam and U.S. Drafts Soldiers.
2024 | Threat Gang's 2025 World Bingo | Russo-Ukranian war autumn-winter bingo | WWIII | WWIII Bingo
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