This bingo card has 16 words: Won the gold in the 1960 Olympics for boxing, Became the first African American elected into the US Congress, His work on blood banks and blood storage saved millions during WW2, She helped calculate the orbit for the Apollo 11 flight to the moon, he led to march on Washington in 1963 where he gave his famous ‘I Have a Dream Speech, As a conductor of the underground railroad, she made over 19 trips to bring slaves to freedom and never lost a passenger, He became the first African American Supreme Court Justice, She was the first African American woman billionaire, We honor this activist on the 3rd Monday of January every year, First African American President, He won the case of brown v. Board of Education, which led to the desegregation of schools, She was the first African American woman astronaut, He was the most financially successful African American artist in history, Find a Coretta Scott King Award Nominee or winner (and bring to front desk), find a biography of a famous African American (and bring to front desk) and She was the first African American woman to hold a pilot's licence.
Black History Month Trivia Challenge | Black History Month Trivia Challenge | Black History Month Trivia Challenge | 4th Grade Famous Black Figures Bingo | Black History
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