This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Went to a coffee shop this morning., Skipped breakfast, Ate bacon 2 times this week., Drinks coffee, "too early", Has Pop-Tarts at home., Woke up at 7:45 this morning., Went for a run this morning., Didn't make my bed today., Hit "snooze" 3 times this morning., Adult had to wake me up., "What day is it today?", Can't stop yawning., Sleeps with pet in bed., Ate non- breakfast food for breakfast., Goes to bed before 10 pm., Woke up on the "wrong side of the bed"., Had eggs for breakfast., Favorite donut is maple glazed., Loves a breakfast smoothie., Never has coffee drinks., Has been awake since 4 am or earlier., Wearing what you wore to bed. and Favorite donut is boston creme..
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