This bingo card has a free space and 39 words: Yelled at by a parent, Someone quits, Someone quits *violently*, Janine has computer problems, We tell a BHT to contact Avatar Support, CM call goes over, Margie's mom shows up, Julie says "I should start drinking", Is ___ the new 4:30?, Free therapy, Janine steals candy, Someone cries, Have to call the cops, Have to call Brandy, Someone removes themselves from a case, Katie shows up, Phone/Internet goes out, Paperwork is in on time, Mailbox is on the ground, Revenge of the Bees, George/Thrift joke, Adam is late, BHT interview shows up, Human child is in the building, Clinician is emotional, It's a "Monday kind of Friday", Brandy says she is ending work early, Ashley, Melanie, and Coral are in the office at the same time, Field staff stays in the office too long, We hire *another* Ashley, Pointless emails, Adam files, Interviewee actually completes RBT, Starbucks run, Matthew comes in to the office, Another agency messes up, Paper is ordered from Staples, Margie microwaves food and Brandy swears.
Office Bingo | Work Bingo | Work Bingo | Work Bingo | Ooltewah December
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