Cookie Booth

Cookie Booth Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Troop Tip!, NO!, On Phone, Person decides to buy 1 more box, Child talks parent into buying cookies, No Cash, On a diet, Headphones on, Meet an alumni G.S., No Time, I'll be right back, Buys cookies for donation, Don't eat sugar, Asks us questions about our troop, Thanks us for selling cookies, Looking at device, Just got some before, Says a dad joke, Polite No, Allergies, Asks for advice on cookie purchase, Ignore, G.S. at home, Gave at Office, These thing are addictive, Someone who knows Mr. Kevin, Looks but decides to not buy, How long will you be here? and Too expensive.

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Cookie Booth | Cookie Booth Bingo | Girl Scout Troop 612 Bingo | Ethics Bingo | GIRL SCOUT COOKIE BINGO

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