Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Sonic says "you're too slow" to Knuckles, Sonic eats a chili dog, Robotnik gets arrested, Sonic causes child to drop his ice cream, Knuckles tragic backstory, Tom dies, Sonic and Tails dance with the Russians, Sonic stops a bank robbery, Someone says "sus", Robotnik gets fat, Shadow the Hedgehog end credit scene, obscure Amy reference, Reference to classic sonic video games, Sonic and Tails crash a wedding, Sexual tension between Tails and Sonic, Tom gets abducted by the G.U.N, Maddie is pregnant, "Uhh english please?", Knuckle Cracker Cracks his Knuckles in front of Knuckles, Super Sonic, Metal Sonic shows up, Longclaw works for the Government, Agent Stone grows a pair and Sonic and Knuckles fight together.

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