Entrepreneurship and Small Business Bingo

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 109 words: Acquisition Costs, Angel Investor, Asset, Balance Sheet, Benefits, Brand Recognition, Break-Even Point, Budget, Business Milestone, Business Opportunity, Business Plan, C Corporation, Cash Balance, Cash Flow, Cash, Collateral, Communication, Compensation, Compound Interest, Confidentiality Agreement, Consultation, Contingency Amount, Copyright, Corporate Structure, Cost of Goods Sold, Business Sustainability, Credit Rating, Credit Score, Customer Retention, Customer, Chamber of Commerce, Check, Debit Card, Debt Ratio, Demand, Demographics, Earnings Statement, Enthusiasm, Entrepreneur, ESOP, Financial Statements, Fixed Costs, Franchise, Future-Oriented, General/Limited Partnership, Gross Profit, Gross Sales, Growth Strategy, Harvesting, Incentive, Income Statement, Intellectual Property, Inventory, Investor, IPO, Liability, Limited Liability Corporation, Line of Credit, Loan, Location, Management Buyout, Marketing, Minimum Wage, Negotiated Costs, Net Profit, Net Sales, Networking, Nonprofit Corporation, Online Networking, Operating Costs, Opportunity, Outsourcing, Patent, Permit, Price, Probability, Profit, Referral, Revenue, Risk Tolerance, Risk, Royalty Fees, S Corporation, Sales Call, Sales Lead, Sales Meeting, Sales Pitch, Sales Returns, SBA, SCORE, Segmentation Methods, Self-Assessment, Self-Reliant, Separation of Duties, Simple Interest, Social Media, Sole Proprietorship, Startup Capital, Statement of Cash Flows, Supply Chain, Tax Implications, Taxes, Trade Show, Trademark, Transaction, Value Achievement, Value Proposition, Variable Costs and Zoning Variance.

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