Daily Routine Bingo

Daily Routine Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 59 words: has a blue toothbrush, has a bathroom with two sinks, drinks coffee, eats a piece of fruit, eats a bagel, shows their dog, shows their cat, has green walls in their bedroom, has blue walls in their bedroom, has two pillows on their bed, has gray bedding, puts on white shoes, wears jeans to school, does not eat breakfast, takes the bus to school, has a parent drive them to school, does homework after school, plays a sport after school, eats pizza, drinks soda, eats pasta, drinks water, has Pantene shampoo, has Irish Spring soap, has a loofa, uses a makeup brush, shaves their face, washes their hands, sings in the shower, wears shorts to school, hurries to the bus, eats a snack, has something yellow, shows us a family member, applies make up, showers with their clothes on, wears socks, eats cereal, drinks milk, wears a hoodie, giggles/laughs at themselves, has a red phone/phone case, has a black phone/phone case, has something sparkly, says an English word, wears something gray, washes with bodywash, uses a scented soap, puts on perfume, uses Old Spice deodorant, uses Secret deodorant, wears fun PJ's, has an alarm clock, uses phone alarm to wake up, eats bread, lives in a nice house, has white bedding, has something red in their room and has a TV in their room.

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