Beach Babes Affirmations

Beach Babes Affirmations Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 77 words: I am abundant., I have everything I need in life., I deserve everything I want., I am a magnet for success., Each day of my life is filled with abundance., I am grateful for the amount of abundance I have., I have enough of everything I need., Prosperity flows through every aspect of my life., The universe will provide for me., I can do anything I want., I believe in myself., I can overcome anything I put my mind to., I am bold and courageous., I am good at anything I put my mind to., I can overcome any obstacle., People are attracted to my self-confidence., I embrace challenges as opportunities., I can take on any challenge., I am ready to take on the world., Every day I take action and move forward in my life., Nothing will stop me from succeeding., I am excited to start the day., Today is a beautiful day., I am happy and full of joy., I attract abundance and wonderful things., I am surrounded by beautiful people., Nothing will stand in my way of having a great day., I am grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life., Thank you for blessing me with good health., My heart is filled with love and joy., I radiate positive energy to all of those around me., I deserve to be happy., I am so happy today., My life is filled with joy and good energy., I am delighted to be alive., I am getting happier and happier each and every day., I choose to be happy no matter what happens., Happiness radiates through my body., My happiness is contagious to those around me., I attract happy people into my life., I am grateful to be happy and alive right now., Living happy is my natural state of being., My mind is filled with happy thoughts., I am a happy and loving person., I am a Goddess., I am beautiful., I am loved., I am confident., I am healthy., I am a powerful woman., I am a strong woman., I am courageous., I am empowered., I am fulfilled., I am happy., I am love., I am kind., I am giving., I am compassionate., I am a good friend., I am a good person., I am happy to be alive., I am ready to start the day., Today is a great day., I am in charge of my life., I have the power to create my reality., I am full of energy, love, and joy., I am a magnet for good things in my life., I am at peace and ready to have a good day., Nothing can stop me from having an amazing day., I see the good in every person., I can handle anything that comes my way., I welcome good things to happen in my life today., No matter what happens today, I will stay positive and upbeat., I am in control of my future and will succeed., Nothing will stop me from creating success. and I deserve to be successful and happy..

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

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