Prom Bingo

Prom Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Brooke and Matt get into a fight, Julia throws up, Maddie and Andrew hookup, Jackson &Hannah are all over each other, Hannah G and jared hookup, liv and Bridget crash the party, someone gets pepper sprayed, Julia S doesn't go to the party, Pranav makes a bad first impression, someone cries, matt refuses to take pics with Brooke, Gracie C and wade kiss, miranda makes a bad choice, Maddie and matt hookup, mrs scobbo causes a problem, julias mom gets mad at her, Luke and lily get really high, Gracie throws up, Brooke hooks up with ben, matt and Andrew get into a fight, someone tries to play basketball at prom, Sophia's group crashes, Camille causes an issue, drew and Milena hookup, miranda and Alex hookup, Gracie and Pranav hookup, Gracie calls Jake, mollie gets really drunk and wade asks an uncomfortable questions.

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