This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: 90’s Baby, Yoongi Biased, Selectively Mute, Ano Bashode best Japanese song, Fall/Winter, OT7, Boyfriend, 2018 ARMY, Only wears black, Eldest Sibling, Has a Kitty, Pink/Black fav color, No License, Gamer, ISFP, Hispanic, Elder Emo, Taehyung Biased, Saw BTS in Vegas, December Baby, Seesaw Enthusiast, Tacos de Pastor, Anxiety and Southern California.
Zia's Bingo | gray's | 𝒟𝑅𝐼𝒫𝒫𝐸𝒟𝒯𝒯’𝒮 | bingo with mochisungsbae | bingo with mochisungsbae
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